/** * Filterizr is a jQuery plugin that sorts, shuffles and applies stunning filters over * responsive galleries using CSS3 transitions and custom CSS effects. * * @author Yiotis Kaltsikis * @see {@link http://yiotis.net/filterizr} * @version 1.2.5 * @license MIT License */ (function(global, $) { 'use strict'; //Make sure jQuery exists if (!$) throw new Error('Filterizr requires jQuery to work.'); /** * Modified version of Jake Gordon's Bin Packing algorithm used for Filterizr's 'packed' layout * @see {@link https://github.com/jakesgordon/bin-packing} */ var Packer = function(w) { this.init(w); }; Packer.prototype = { init: function(w) { this.root = { x: 0, y: 0, w: w }; }, fit: function(blocks) { var n, node, block, len = blocks.length; var h = len > 0 ? blocks[0].h : 0; this.root.h = h; for (n = 0; n < len ; n++) { block = blocks[n]; if ((node = this.findNode(this.root, block.w, block.h))) block.fit = this.splitNode(node, block.w, block.h); else block.fit = this.growDown(block.w, block.h); } }, findNode: function(root, w, h) { if (root.used) return this.findNode(root.right, w, h) || this.findNode(root.down, w, h); else if ((w <= root.w) && (h <= root.h)) return root; else return null; }, splitNode: function(node, w, h) { node.used = true; node.down = { x: node.x, y: node.y + h, w: node.w, h: node.h - h }; node.right = { x: node.x + w, y: node.y, w: node.w - w, h: h }; return node; }, growDown: function(w, h) { var node; this.root = { used: true, x: 0, y: 0, w: this.root.w, h: this.root.h + h, down: { x: 0, y: this.root.h, w: this.root.w, h: h }, right: this.root }; if ((node = this.findNode(this.root, w, h))) return this.splitNode(node, w, h); else return null; } }; /** * Only Filterizr method extracted on jQuery.fn. * Instantiates a new Filterizr or calls any of the public Filterizr methods. * @return {jQuery} this - to facilitate jQuery method chaining. */ $.fn.filterizr = function() { var self = this, args = arguments; //Create the Filterizr obj as an internal private property on the current object //to serve as a private namespace if (!self._fltr) { self._fltr = $.fn.filterizr.prototype.init(self, (typeof args[0] === 'object' ? args[0] : undefined)); } //Call all public Filterizr methods through the private Filterizr object if (typeof args[0] === 'string') { if (args[0].lastIndexOf('_') > -1) throw new Error('Filterizr error: You cannot call private methods'); if (typeof self._fltr[args[0]] === 'function') { self._fltr[args[0]](args[1], args[2]); } else throw new Error('Filterizr error: There is no such function'); } return self; }; /** * Filterizr prototype */ $.fn.filterizr.prototype = { /** * Filterizr constructor. * @param {Object} [container] - your container. * @param {Object} [options] - user options to override defaults. * @constructor */ init: function(container, options) { var self = $(container).extend($.fn.filterizr.prototype); //Default options self.options = { animationDuration: 0.5, callbacks: { onFilteringStart: function() { }, onFilteringEnd: function() { }, onShufflingStart: function() { }, onShufflingEnd: function() { }, onSortingStart: function() { }, onSortingEnd: function() { } }, delay: 0, delayMode: 'progressive', easing: 'ease-out', filter: 'all', filterOutCss: { 'opacity': 0, 'transform': 'scale(0.5)' }, filterInCss: { 'opacity': 1, 'transform': 'scale(1)' }, layout: 'sameSize', setupControls: true }; //No arguments constructor if (arguments.length === 0) { options = self.options; } //One argument constructor (only options) if (arguments.length === 1 && typeof arguments[0] === 'object') options = arguments[0]; //If options argument provided, override defaults if (options) { self.setOptions(options); } //Private properties self.css({ //Cache reference to container as jQuery obj and init its CSS 'padding' : 0, 'position': 'relative' }); self._lastCategory = 0; //Highest value in data-category of .filtr-items self._isAnimating = false; self._isShuffling = false; self._isSorting = false; //.filtr-item collections self._mainArray = self._getFiltrItems(); self._subArrays = self._makeSubarrays(); self._activeArray = self._getCollectionByFilter(self.options.filter); //Used for multiple category filtering self._toggledCategories = { }; //Used for search feature self._typedText = $('input[data-search]').val() || ''; //Generate unique ID for resize events self._uID = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) { var r = Math.random()*16|0, v = c == 'x' ? r : (r&0x3|0x8); return v.toString(16); }); //Set up Filterizr events self._setupEvents(); //Set up standard Filterizr controls (for multiple Filterizrs in your scene, set to false) if (self.options.setupControls) self._setupControls(); //Start Filterizr! self.filter(self.options.filter); return self; }, /*********************************** * Public methods ***********************************/ /** * Filters the items * @param {number} targetFilter - the applied filter towards which items transition */ filter: function(targetFilter) { var self = this, target = self._getCollectionByFilter(targetFilter); self.options.filter = targetFilter; self.trigger('filteringStart'); //Filter items self._handleFiltering(target); //Apply search filter on top if activated if (self._isSearchActivated()) self.search(self._typedText); }, /** * Toggles filters on/off and renders the new collection * @param {number} toggledFilter - the filter to toggle */ toggleFilter: function(toggledFilter) { var self = this, target = [], i = 0; self.trigger('filteringStart'); //Toggle the toggledFilter in the active categories //If undefined (in case of window resize) ignore if (toggledFilter) { if (!self._toggledCategories[toggledFilter]) self._toggledCategories[toggledFilter] = true; else delete self._toggledCategories[toggledFilter]; } //If a filter is toggled on then display only items belonging to that category if (self._multifilterModeOn()) { target = self._makeMultifilterArray(); //Filter items self._handleFiltering(target); //Apply search filter on top if activated if (self._isSearchActivated()) self.search(self._typedText); } //If all filters toggled off then display unfiltered gallery else { //Filter items self.filter('all'); //Apply search filter on top if activated if (self._isSearchActivated()) self.search(self._typedText); } }, /** * Searches the contents of .filtr-item elements, filters them and renders the results * @param {string} text to search in contents of .filtr-item elements */ search: function(text) { var self = this, //get active category array = self._multifilterModeOn() ? self._makeMultifilterArray() : self._getCollectionByFilter(self.options.filter), target = [], i = 0; if (self._isSearchActivated()) { for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { //Check if the text typed in the textbox is contained in the .filtr-item element //and add it to the target array var containsText = array[i].text().toLowerCase().indexOf(text.toLowerCase()) > -1; if (containsText) { target.push(array[i]); } } } //Show the results if (target.length > 0) { self._handleFiltering(target); } //If there are no results else { //and search is activated, show blank if (self._isSearchActivated()) { for (i = 0; i < self._activeArray.length; i++) { self._activeArray[i]._filterOut(); } } //if search is not activated display gallery with last applied filter else { self._handleFiltering(array); } } }, /** * Shuffles the active collection and rearranges it on screen */ shuffle: function() { var self = this; //ShufflingStart callback self._isAnimating = true; self._isShuffling = true; self.trigger('shufflingStart'); self._mainArray = self._fisherYatesShuffle(self._mainArray); self._subArrays = self._makeSubarrays(); var target = self._multifilterModeOn() ? self._makeMultifilterArray() : self._getCollectionByFilter(self.options.filter); if (self._isSearchActivated()) self.search(self._typedText); else self._placeItems(target); }, /** * Sorts the active collection and rearranges it on screen. * @param {string} [attr] - attr based on which to sort (default: 'domIndex' / possible: 'domIndex', 'sortData', 'w', 'h'). * @param {string} [sortOrder] - asc/desc (default: 'asc'). */ sort: function(attr, sortOrder) { var self = this; //Set defaults attr = attr || 'domIndex'; sortOrder = sortOrder || 'asc'; //SortingStart callback self._isAnimating = true; self._isSorting = true; self.trigger('sortingStart'); //Register sort attr on all elements if it is a user-defined data-attribute var isUserAttr = attr !== 'domIndex' && attr !== 'sortData' && attr !== 'w' && attr!== 'h'; if (isUserAttr) { for (var i = 0; i < self._mainArray.length; i++) { self._mainArray[i][attr] = self._mainArray[i].data(attr); } } //Sort items self._mainArray.sort(self._comparator(attr, sortOrder)); self._subArrays = self._makeSubarrays(); //Place sorted collection to new positions var target = self._multifilterModeOn() ? self._makeMultifilterArray() : self._getCollectionByFilter(self.options.filter); if (self._isSearchActivated()) self.search(self._typedText); else self._placeItems(target); }, /** * Overrides the default options with the user-provided ones. * @param {object} options - the user-provided options to override defaults. */ setOptions: function(options) { var self = this, i = 0; //Override options for (var prop in options) { self.options[prop] = options[prop]; } //If the user tries to override animationDuration, easing, delay or delayMode if (self._mainArray && (options.animationDuration || options.delay || options.easing || options.delayMode)) { for (i = 0; i < self._mainArray.length; i++) { self._mainArray[i].css('transition', 'all ' + self.options.animationDuration + 's ' + self.options.easing + ' ' + self._mainArray[i]._calcDelay() + 'ms'); } } //If the user tries to override a callback, make sure undefined callbacks are set to empty functions if (options.callbacks) { if (!options.callbacks.onFilteringStart) self.options.callbacks.onFilteringStart = function() { }; if (!options.callbacks.onFilteringEnd) self.options.callbacks.onFilteringEnd = function() { }; if (!options.callbacks.onShufflingStart) self.options.callbacks.onShufflingStart = function() { }; if (!options.callbacks.onShufflingEnd) self.options.callbacks.onShufflingEnd = function() { }; if (!options.callbacks.onSortingStart) self.options.callbacks.onSortingStart = function() { }; if (!options.callbacks.onSortingEnd) self.options.callbacks.onSortingEnd = function() { }; } //If the user has not defined a transform property in their CSS, add it //while overriding, including translates for movement if (!self.options.filterInCss.transform) self.options.filterInCss.transform = 'translate3d(0,0,0)'; if (!self.options.filterOutCss.transform) self.options.filterOutCss.transform = 'translate3d(0,0,0)'; }, /*********************************** * Private & helper methods ***********************************/ /** * Finds all .filtr-item elements in the .filtr-container and sets them up before returning them in an array. * @return {Object[]} all .filtr-item elements contained in Filterizr's container. * @private */ _getFiltrItems: function() { var self = this, filtrItems = $(self.find('.filtr-item')), itemsArray = []; $.each(filtrItems, function(i, e) { //Set item up as Filtr object & push to array var item = $(e).extend(FiltrItemProto)._init(i, self); itemsArray.push(item); }); return itemsArray; }, /** * Divide .filtr-item elements into sub-arrays based on data-category attribute. * @return {Object[Object[self._lastCategory]]} Array of arrays including items grouped by data-category. * @private */ _makeSubarrays: function() { var self = this, subArrays = []; for (var i = 0; i < self._lastCategory; i++) subArrays.push([]); //Populate the sub-arrays for (i = 0; i < self._mainArray.length; i++) { //Multiple categories scenario if (typeof self._mainArray[i]._category === 'object') { var length = self._mainArray[i]._category.length; for (var x = 0; x < length; x++) { subArrays[self._mainArray[i]._category[x] - 1].push(self._mainArray[i]); } } //Single category else subArrays[self._mainArray[i]._category - 1].push(self._mainArray[i]); } return subArrays; }, /** * Make a .filtr-item array based on the activated filters * @return {Object[]} array consisting of the .filtr-item elements belonging to active filters * @private */ _makeMultifilterArray: function() { var self = this, target = [], addedMap = {}; for (var i = 0; i < self._mainArray.length; i++) { //If the item belongs to multiple categories var item = self._mainArray[i], belongsToCategory = false, isUnique = item.domIndex in addedMap === false; //Check if item belongs to categories whose filters are toggled on if (Array.isArray(item._category)) { for (var x = 0; x < item._category.length; x++) { if (item._category[x] in self._toggledCategories) { belongsToCategory = true; break; } } } else { if (item._category in self._toggledCategories) belongsToCategory = true; } //If the item is not already visible and belongs to a category //of the toggled on filters push it to target collection if (isUnique && belongsToCategory) { addedMap[item.domIndex] = true; target.push(item); } } return target; }, /** * Detect and set up preset controls. * @private */ _setupControls: function() { var self = this; //Filter controls $('*[data-filter]').click(function() { var targetFilter = $(this).data('filter'); //Exit case if (self.options.filter === targetFilter) return; self.filter(targetFilter); }); //Multiple filter controls $('*[data-multifilter]').click(function() { var targetFilter = $(this).data('multifilter'); if (targetFilter === 'all') { self._toggledCategories = { }; self.filter('all'); } else { self.toggleFilter(targetFilter); } }); //Shuffle control $('*[data-shuffle]').click(function() { self.shuffle(); }); //Sort controls $('*[data-sortAsc]').click(function() { var sortAttr = $('*[data-sortOrder]').val(); self.sort(sortAttr, 'asc'); }); $('*[data-sortDesc]').click(function() { var sortAttr = $('*[data-sortOrder]').val(); self.sort(sortAttr, 'desc'); }); //Search control $('input[data-search]').keyup(function() { self._typedText = $(this).val(); self._delayEvent(function() { self.search(self._typedText); }, 250, self._uID); }); }, /** * Set up window and Filterizr events. * @private */ _setupEvents: function() { var self = this; //Window resize event $(global).resize(function() { self._delayEvent(function() { self.trigger('resizeFiltrContainer'); }, 250, self._uID); }); //Filterizr events self //Container resize event .on('resizeFiltrContainer', function() { if (self._multifilterModeOn()) self.toggleFilter(); else self.filter(self.options.filter); }) //onFilteringStart event .on('filteringStart', function() { self.options.callbacks.onFilteringStart(); }) //onFilteringEnd event .on('filteringEnd', function() { self.options.callbacks.onFilteringEnd(); }) //onShufflingStart event .on('shufflingStart', function() { self._isShuffling = true; self.options.callbacks.onShufflingStart(); }) //onFilteringEnd event .on('shufflingEnd', function() { self.options.callbacks.onShufflingEnd(); self._isShuffling = false; }) //onSortingStart event .on('sortingStart', function() { self._isSorting = true; self.options.callbacks.onSortingStart(); }) //onSortingEnd event .on('sortingEnd', function() { self.options.callbacks.onSortingEnd(); self._isSorting = false; }); }, /** * Calculates the final positions of items being filtered in, updates the height of .filtr-container. * @return {Object[]} array of future item positions. * @private */ _calcItemPositions: function() { var self = this, array = self._activeArray, //Container data containerHeight = 0, cols = Math.round(self.width() / self.find('.filtr-item').outerWidth()), rows = 0, //Item data itemWidth = array[0].outerWidth(), itemHeight = 0, //Position calculation vars left = 0, top = 0, //Loop vars i = 0, x = 0, //Array of positions to return posArray = []; //Layout for items of varying sizes if (self.options.layout === 'packed') { //Cache current item width/height $.each(self._activeArray, function(i, e) { e._updateDimensions(); }); //Instantiate new Packer, set up grid var packer = new Packer(self.outerWidth()); packer.fit(self._activeArray); for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { posArray.push({ left: array[i].fit.x, top: array[i].fit.y }); } containerHeight = packer.root.h; } //Horizontal layout if (self.options.layout === 'horizontal') { rows = 1; for (i = 1; i <= array.length; i++) { itemWidth = array[i - 1].outerWidth(); itemHeight = array[i - 1].outerHeight(); posArray.push({ left: left, top: top }); left += itemWidth; if (containerHeight < itemHeight) containerHeight = itemHeight; } } //Vertical layout else if (self.options.layout === 'vertical') { for (i = 1; i <= array.length; i++) { itemHeight = array[i - 1].outerHeight(); posArray.push({ left: left, top: top }); top += itemHeight; } containerHeight = top; } //Layout of items for same height and varying width else if (self.options.layout === 'sameHeight') { rows = 1; var rowWidth = self.outerWidth(); for (i = 1; i <= array.length; i++) { itemWidth = array[i - 1].width(); var itemOuterWidth = array[i - 1].outerWidth(), nextItemWidth = 0; if (array[i]) nextItemWidth = array[i].width(); posArray.push({ left: left, top: top }); x = left + itemWidth + nextItemWidth; if (x > rowWidth) { x = 0; left = 0; top += array[0].outerHeight(); rows++; } else left += itemOuterWidth; } containerHeight = rows * array[0].outerHeight(); } //Layout for items of same width and varying height else if (self.options.layout === 'sameWidth') { //Get positions for (i = 1; i <= array.length; i++) { posArray.push({ left: left, top: top }); if (i % cols === 0) rows++; left += itemWidth; top = 0; if (rows > 0) { x = rows; while (x > 0) { top += array[i - (cols * x)].outerHeight(); x--; } } if (i % cols === 0) left = 0; } //Calculate containerHeight for (i = 0; i < cols; i++) { var columnHeight = 0, index = i; while(array[index]) { columnHeight += array[index].outerHeight(); index += cols; } if (columnHeight > containerHeight) { containerHeight = columnHeight; columnHeight = 0; } else columnHeight = 0; } } //Layout for items of exactly same size else if (self.options.layout === 'sameSize') { for (i = 1; i <= array.length; i++) { //Push first point at (left: 0, top: 0) posArray.push({ left: left, top: top }); //Set left and top properties for next point before next iteration left += itemWidth; //On row change calc new top and reset left if (i % cols === 0) { top += array[0].outerHeight(); left = 0; } } rows = Math.ceil(array.length / cols); containerHeight = rows * array[0].outerHeight(); } //Update the height of .filtr-container based on new positions self.css('height', containerHeight); return posArray; }, /** * Handles filtering in/out and reposition items when transition between categories * @param {Object[]} the target array towards which to filter * @private */ _handleFiltering: function(target) { var self = this, toFilterOut = self._getArrayOfUniqueItems(self._activeArray, target); //Minimize all .filtr-item elements that are not the same between categories for (var i = 0; i < toFilterOut.length; i++) { toFilterOut[i]._filterOut(); } self._activeArray = target; //Reposition same items and filter in new self._placeItems(target); }, /** * Determines if the user is using data-multifilter controls or simple data-filter controls * @return {boolean} indicating whether multiple filter mode is on * @private */ _multifilterModeOn: function() { var self = this; return Object.keys(self._toggledCategories).length > 0; }, /** * Determines if the user has something typed in the search box * @return {boolean} indicating whether the user has searched * @private */ _isSearchActivated: function() { var self = this; return self._typedText.length > 0; }, /** * Places .filtr-item elements on the grid positions * @param {Object[]} arr - an array consisting of .filtr-item elements * @private */ _placeItems: function(arr) { var self = this; //Tag gallery state as animating self._isAnimating = true; //Recalculate positions and filter in items self._itemPositions = self._calcItemPositions(); for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { arr[i]._filterIn(self._itemPositions[i]); } }, /** * Returns item collection based on a certain filter * @param {string|number} filter of category to return * @return {Object[]} one of the item collections based on filter * @private */ _getCollectionByFilter: function(filter) { var self = this; return filter === 'all' ? self._mainArray : self._subArrays[filter - 1]; }, /** * Used to make deep copies of the predefined filters * in the options for the filterIn/Out methods of items. * @see _filterIn and _filterOut methods in FiltrItemProto. * @param {Object} obj - is the source object to make a deep copy from. * @return {Object} Deep copy of the obj param. * @private */ _makeDeepCopy: function(obj) { var r = {}; for (var p in obj) r[p] = obj[p]; return r; }, /** * Comparator factory used to produce camparers for sorting. * @see Filterizr.prototype.sort. * @param {string} prop - property based on which to sort ('domIndex', 'sortData', 'w', 'h') * @param {string} sortOrder - 'asc'/'desc' * @return {function} comparer which takes arguments * @private */ _comparator: function(prop, sortOrder) { return function(a, b) { if (sortOrder === 'asc') { if (a[prop] < b[prop]) return -1; else if (a[prop] > b[prop]) return 1; else return 0; } else if (sortOrder === 'desc') { if (b[prop] < a[prop]) return -1; else if (b[prop] > a[prop]) return 1; else return 0; } }; }, /** * Modified version of Jeffery To's array intersection method * @see {@link http://www.falsepositives.com/index.php/2009/12/01/javascript-function-to-get-the-intersect-of-2-arrays/} * @return {Object[]} a disjoint array containing the elements of the first array not found in the second * @private */ _getArrayOfUniqueItems: function(arr1, arr2) { var r = [], o = {}, l = arr2.length, i, v; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { o[arr2[i].domIndex] = true; } l = arr1.length; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { v = arr1[i]; if (!(v.domIndex in o)) { r.push(v); } } return r; }, /** * Brahn's take on CMS's solution to calling the window.resize event at set * intervals in multiple places in the code using a Java-like UUID with a regexp * @see {@link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2854407/javascript-jquery-window-resize-how-to-fire-after-the-resize-is-completed} * @return {function} which calls the callback or just clears the timer * @private */ _delayEvent: (function () { var self = this, timers = {}; return function (callback, ms, uniqueId) { if (uniqueId === null) { throw Error("UniqueID needed"); } if (timers[uniqueId]) { clearTimeout (timers[uniqueId]); } timers[uniqueId] = setTimeout(callback, ms); }; })(), /** * Fisher-Yates array shuffling algorithm implemented for JavaScript. * @return {Object[]} shuffled array. * @private */ _fisherYatesShuffle: function shuffle(array) { var m = array.length, t, i; // While there remain elements to shuffle… while (m) { // Pick a remaining element… i = Math.floor(Math.random() * m--); // And swap it with the current element. t = array[m]; array[m] = array[i]; array[i] = t; } return array; } }; /** * FiltrItem Prototype */ var FiltrItemProto = { /** * Transforms a jQuery item with .filtr-item class into a FiltrItem. * @param {number} index - initial item order based on position in DOM. * @param {Filterizr} parent - reference to Filterizr container containing this Filtr Item. * @return {jQuery} this - to facilitate method chaining. * @constructor */ _init: function(index, parent) { var self = this, delay = 0; //Private item properties self._parent = parent; //Ref to parent Filterizr object self._category = self._getCategory(); //data-category values self._lastPos = {}; //Used for animations //Public properties - used for sorting self.domIndex = index; self.sortData = self.data('sort'); //Item Dimensions used for Bin Packing algorithm (packed layout) and sorting. self.w = 0; self.h = 0; //self states self._isFilteredOut = true; self._filteringOut = false; self._filteringIn = false; //Determine delay & set initial item styles self.css(parent.options.filterOutCss) .css({ '-webkit-backface-visibility': 'hidden', 'perspective': '1000px', '-webkit-perspective': '1000px', '-webkit-transform-style': 'preserve-3d', 'position': 'absolute', 'transition': 'all ' + parent.options.animationDuration + 's ' + parent.options.easing + ' ' + self._calcDelay() + 'ms' }); //Events self.on("transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd", function(){ self._onTransitionEnd(); }); return self; }, /** * Updates the dimensions (width/height) of the item. * @private */ _updateDimensions: function() { var self = this; self.w = self.outerWidth(); self.h = self.outerHeight(); }, /** * Calculates and returns the value of delay to apply to transition-delay in ms, depending on delayMode * @return {number} value to apply to transition-delay in ms. * @private */ _calcDelay: function() { var self = this, r = 0; if (self._parent.options.delayMode === 'progressive') r = self._parent.options.delay * self.domIndex; else if (self.domIndex % 2 === 0) r = self._parent.options.delay; return r; }, /** * Determines which categories this items belongs to and updates the _lastCategory prop of Filterizr. * @throws {InvalidArgumentException} data-category of .filtr-item elements must be integer or string of integers delimited by ', ' * @return {Object[]|number} the categories this item belongs to. * @private */ _getCategory: function() { var self = this, ret = self.data('category'); //If more than one category provided if (typeof ret === 'string') { ret = ret.split(', '); for (var i = 0; i < ret.length; i++) { //Error checking: make sure data-category has an integer as its value if (isNaN(parseInt(ret[i]))) { throw new Error('Filterizr: the value of data-category must be a number, starting from value 1 and increasing.'); } if (parseInt(ret[i]) > self._parent._lastCategory) { self._parent._lastCategory = parseInt(ret[i]); } } } else { if (ret > self._parent._lastCategory) self._parent._lastCategory = ret; } return ret; }, /** * Handles the transitionEnd event. * @private */ _onTransitionEnd: function() { var self = this; //finished filtering out if (self._filteringOut) { $(self).addClass('filteredOut'); self._isFilteredOut = true; self._filteringOut = false; } //finished filtering in else if (self._filteringIn) { self._isFilteredOut = false; self._filteringIn = false; } //if animating trigger filteringEnd event once on parent if (self._parent._isAnimating) { if (self._parent._isShuffling) self._parent.trigger('shufflingEnd'); else if (self._parent._isSorting) self._parent.trigger('sortingEnd'); else self._parent.trigger('filteringEnd'); self._parent._isAnimating = false; } }, /** * Filters out the item. * @private */ _filterOut: function() { var self = this, filterOutCss = self._parent._makeDeepCopy(self._parent.options.filterOutCss); //Auto add translate to transform over user-defined filterOut styles filterOutCss.transform += ' translate3d(' + self._lastPos.left + 'px,' + self._lastPos.top + 'px, 0)'; //Play animation self.css(filterOutCss); //Make unclickable self.css('pointer-events', 'none'); //Tag as filteringOut for transitionend event self._filteringOut = true; }, /** * Filters in the item. * @param {Object} targetPos - is the position to move to with transform-translate * @private */ _filterIn: function(targetPos) { var self = this, filterInCss = self._parent._makeDeepCopy(self._parent.options.filterInCss); //Remove the filteredOut class $(self).removeClass('filteredOut'); //Tag as filtering in for transitionend event self._filteringIn = true; self._lastPos = targetPos; //Make clickable self.css('pointer-events', 'auto'); //Auto add translate to transform over user-defined filterIn styles filterInCss.transform += ' translate3d(' + targetPos.left + 'px,' + targetPos.top + 'px, 0)'; //Play animation self.css(filterInCss); } }; })(this, jQuery);